Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sermon Series for February

For the month of February, 2012 I am going to be preaching a series of messages on Sunday Mornings entitled "Greater Love". Since February is the month we celebrate Valentines Day, I am going to capitalize on this and preach a series to help chrisitans go deeper in their relationships. Here is the schedule for the month.
week #1 - Feb 5th - A Greater Love for God
week #2 - Feb 12th - A Greater Love for the Home
week #3 - Feb 19th - A Greater Love for the Church
week #4 - Feb 26th - A Greater Love for the Lost

I want to encourage you to come and be in church at 9:45 a.m. Sundays for Sunday School and at 10:45 a.m. for Church Services.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers's Day Today!

What a day we've had at RBC!! We had 9 visitiors, 4-5 saved and 1 baptized. We gave away gifts for the moms and had a great service!

I preached on "Behold thy Mother!" from John 19:27

My points were:

1. behold thy mother in her WORK

2, behold thy mother in her WORSHIP

3. behold thy mother in her WORRIES

4. behold thy mother in her WELCOME HOME

It was a precious service, lots of tears!

Tonight I am preaching on "Living life without regrets!"

Thank God for an Inspired, Preserved, Inerrant, Perfect Word of God - the King James Bible!


Ya-ta-Hey! It is a Navajo word for HELLO! I was in the Navajo Reservation this past week with my good friend, and great Missionary - Dr. Don Chitty. Bro Don has been serving these precious native Americans for over 30 years and my what a great work God has raised up here.

I was met there by Bro. Chitty and also the great Dr. Darrell Cox from Mocksville, N.C. and there were a number of other preachers there from across the country as well.

We each took turns preaching under the open air tabernacle. The crowds were full and over-flowing each night.

I preached for the school chapel on "Be thou an Example".  And then I preached their Wed. P.M. Service on "The Dangers of Drifting!" My points were:

1. It is dangerous to drift from being saved

2. It is dangerous to drift from being separated from the world

3. It is dangerous to drift from the Scriptures

4. It is dangerous to drift from being a Sold out christian!

You see - most things don't fall apart over night, they decay over time. Here a little, there a little. A home, a car, a machine etc.. these things decay and must be kept up and cared for. Now we can never lose our eternal salvation, but, point 1 refers to hearing  the gospel and doing nothing with it. Each time you hear the gospel and DON'T get saved, you drift a little further away the next time and so on.

We had 20 saved that service i preached and many decisions

All in all we saw 90 saved for the week and revival was felt and sensed by all. I personally had a great time and had several very good hours alone with the Lord at night in my little room, it was sweet and precious!

Glory!  In closing - Ya-Ta-Hey!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Great Day Yesterday!

Our church held it's 32nd Anniversary yesterday and man what a day! The Lord truly blessed! Sunday Morning we were just under 200 again and the auditorium was full with members even sitting in the back on the ushers chairs. We had over 10 visitors, 2 baptized for the day.

After church we had a meal and it was tremendous. We then stayed and enjoyed an early service at 2:00 p.m. We then sent all the families home and had teen soulwinning at 4:00 p.m. and then a teen revival service at 6:00 p.m. The girls sang and the boys preached and they saw 10 saved out soulwinning and there was a 1st time visitor that came to that service. What a time we had!!

I am preparing to head to New Mexico to preach this week for Dr. Chitty. Looking forward to being with my good friend - Dr. Darrell Cox.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dr. Paul Lambert

Tomorrow, May 1st, our church celebrates it's 32nd year of ministry in Hutchinson. What a tremendous heritage our church has in her founding pastor. Dr. Paul Lambert.

I was not here when Dr. Paul was alive and preaching, but, from what i have heard and the testimonies of those who sat under his pulpit minstry, MAN! What a preacher! Dr. Paul was a true fundamentalist in every sense of the word.

Dr. Paul's preaching ministry spanned 60 years and he pastored several churches and then went into full-time evangelism before settling in at Hutchinson and feeling God's call to start the New Testament Baptist CHurch.

Dr. Paul was known by all as "Uncle" Paul because of his love and care for his people and for the community around him.

Just a few of the people influenced by Dr. Paul were Missionary Howard Quinlan and his brother Pastor Homer Quinlan. These men were reached by Dr. Lambert when they were very young as Dr. Lambert won their entire families to the Lord. Bro. Quinlan went to Ft. Worth Baptist College and then to BBC in Springfield before sensing the call to go the Phillippines where he served for 40 years and reached tens of thousands of people for the Lord.

I close by giving all honor and respect to a great preacher who stood for the Word and the Gospel for the Lord - Dr. "Uncle" Paul Lambert!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

America, America, thy crown is fallen

As a Fundamental Pastor here in America, I can understand Jeremiah's Lament over his beloved homeland of Israel. As he witnessed the rebellion, the judgement, and the destruction of his people, so too I sit in my study and read the news and watch the events unfolding around me in my own country and I have to lament and cry again -"thy crown is fallen". A crown speaks of authority and position received by one from another. Our blessed nation has worn a crown for these many years and now it is slowly slipping away from us.

This slipping started many years ago, but, now it is almost gone. Dr. Rolough, Rice and Hyles tried to warn our nation. Through their pulpits, conferences, radio programs and almost every type of way of communication possible that our nation was doomed for judgement. Well, it is all around us!

As I read this morning of tornadoes, floods and loss of life all across this land. Blasted by terrific winter storms, swept away by terrible winds and fierce tempests. Is this all coincidence? NO! It is not my friend. We must all sit up and pay attention! God is speaking! Wake up!

What America does with Israel is another indication of what we can expect to happen all around us. Our President is trying to force a Peace Agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.

Obama's plan is reportedly based on principles including: the creation of a PA state in Judea and Samaria, with borders based on the 1948 armistice line, the split of Jerusalem, Israel's capital city, the negation of the PA “right of return” for descendants of Arabs who fled Israel in 1948, and a focus on Israel's security needs.

If we read our bibles, we find prophecies of Jerusalem being divided and my friend it is another reminder that yes! The Rapture is upon us. Mark the words of the preacher  - The RAPTURE IS UPON US. We have heard it for so long that we are desensitized to it. NO! I am not a date setter. But, I am a sign watcher upon the tower of God's Word and by all signs, we are going up brother!

What is the only answer - God's Word! Obey the Word, live in the Word, study the Word and follow God's plan. It has never changed and will not change. We are get into this world and be a light and then live as salt and help preserve what little this nation has left for our next generation.

I know that we desire not to discourage our youth coming in behind us with all this talk. but, friend, when the boat is sinking and they are in it with us, they have to know! We cannot hide behind the facts! Our nation MUST TURN back to God!

We have a choice - Either we make a difference NOW or we see destruction on a scale that we do not want to see.

Now for good news! Jesus still saves, God is still plenteous in mercy and His wrath is but for a moment. Oh my dear brethren, may we rise up in our pulpits and places of ministry and call our people back to God. Call them back to Bethel! Back to a place where God can begin to bless and use them once again. How will this be done?

1. We must as Ezra did cry out and confess our sins to God - SINS? Yes! Individually and Nationally. He named them, he mourned over them, he confessed them. He grouped himself with them, why? becuase he had to go through what they were going through. When our nation suffers, we, saved do too. Not to the degree that the heathen do, but, we nontheless suffer. I have to pay 3.55 for a gallon of gas as the lost do.

2. We must as Abraham did beg God for the our cities and do all we can to meet God's quota of 10 righteous in every town, village, city, place. I do not claim to know all that God places on the scales when He then decides to judge and destroy a nation, but, we do know that light rejected brings more darkness and "to whom much is given, much is required"

3. We must then as the early church did in Acts 8 - go everywhere preaching the Word! This is the answer! We have it! It is here, right before us. Put away the Glen Beck and his pseudo Mormom/christianity show, put away O'Reilly and his faithless factor, put away all of it, chrisitian. Get out the blessed book, remember the blessed hope and stand for the blessed banner!!  Let's go!!

In closing, Paul the Apostle lived in times like these, yes! He witnessed the destruction of Jerusalem, he saw the judgment coming, but, everywhere he went he cried aloud and preached and witnessed. Folks, it is still worth it all, let's love God, look to God and learn from God's Word and leave our sin and LIVE for God!


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Great Day Sunday!

What a great day the Lord gave us this past Sunday at Riverside Baptist. We rejoiced in the Ressurection! Oh what a Savior! We had about 25 first time visitors here, we were just under 200 for the Morning Attendance and we had souls saved. Sunday night we observed the Lord's Supper and had a great service with full altars. Oh! The wonderful work that takes place when the Spirit of God and the Word of God are allowed to work.

One of the first time visitors that came was a lady who is a waitress at a local restaurant. She waited on myself and a visiting preacher we had last week. I gave her a tip and as always, I placed a gospel tract on the table, or i have it to her directly. I have practiced this for many years as you do I am sure. But, sometimes I do it more out of duty than really expecting to have anything take place. Well, praise God for duty! She came and heard the Word of God becuase of duty! We rip and preach against duty sometimes, but, truly, some things we do out of duty are nothing more than the trained character reacting to a situation. May we all decide to be more dutiful about the sowing of the precious seed. We do not sound trumpets and ring bells when a child cleans their room or puts the plates and cups away from supper or vacuums or cares for a pet. We expect these things becuase of training! If they are not done, then it shows and correction needs to take place. In the chrisitian life, if you read the bible and pray and attend church and go soulwinning and tithe and support missions and love others first and have a family altar and stay close and yielded to the blessed Holy Spirit every day and keep short accounts of sin with the Lord, if these are done by duty and just plain ole' fashioned christian character AMEN! Keep doing those things becuase they are the right things to do. When you and I get to heaven we will allow the Lord to judge that motive and reason we did them, but, on earth, somebody just may get to glory becuase you dutifully gave to a missionary who shared that tract with a lost sinner and that person thousands of miles away was born again. YES!! Dr. Hyles was right. Dr. Jones Sr. was right. There is something to this matter of duty!!
When I as a boy we lived in a little village for 3 years just outside the city of Venice, Italy. It was in a place called Sottomarina in the province of Chioggia. My dad was stationed there in a little Army (go army!) outpost. Every night a different soldier was selected to walk guard over the outpost. As a lad, my father would allow me to sit up with the guard and boy was that fun! I would walk with the soldier and talk with them and i got to know those men very well. We would talk about football back here in the states and baseball and all the latest stuff like that. Then, the guard would stop for supper and eat a can of ham and beans from a little can cooked over a small sterno fire. He would always allow me to have a can as well. Wow! Ham and beans never tasted so good as sitting there in that little post and looking over the barracks and outbuildings there. But, back to the point - That soldier walked guard out of duty, i can tell you, not out of desire. But, whether it was desire, or duty, the others were sound asleep and had confidence that they were safe becuase of that guard.
Brethren, if you and I are going to be the soldier we ought to be, let it start with plain, simple duty and then, who knows, maybe one day you'll wake up and realize how much you really enjoyed that duty after all!!

I close in the words of one of my Heroes , Dr. Gray Sr. - "Just a thought!"